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Ultimate Sweater Machine Knitting Machine, Try#1

This is how obsessions begin... This is the Ultimate Sweater Machine (USM) knitting machine. It produces a sheet of stockinette fabric in customizable widths. It works by sliding a carriage left and right across the track to "knit" the row. The first row is the most difficult, but once you get a feeling for the clicking patterns, it goes a lot faster. Success! I made it beyond row one! Growing... The black plastic strip along the bottom of the sheet has steel rods in it to add tension to the sheet of fabric. This allows the carriage to slide back and forth smoothly. Without the tension on the fabric, the stitches gum up on the needles. The weight hit the floor! Once the weight hits the floor, you need to clip the bottom of the piece towards the top of the piece to maintain tension on the fabric. Finally long enough to have to clip up. What they don't tell you in the manual is that: You need to add tension across the ENTIRE width of the fab...

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